On your arrival and departure, you can reach and leave the hotel either by taxi or using public transportation.

Hotel address and info:

BEST WESTERN Hotel Residence Italia – Via Panzini 67 – Quartu Sant’Elena (CA) –
GPS coordinates: lat. 39,234177 – long. 9,186167
Ph.: +39 070 827070 – E-mail: italia.ca@bestwestern.it

By taxi

A standard journey during daytime costs approximately 20 euros. Nevertheless we recommend to contact them and ask for the price in advance, asking specifically for your destination.

Taxi service in Cagliari is provided by the following companies:

  • Cooperativa Radio Taxi “Quattro Mori”
    Via Is Maglias, 5 Cagliari
    Ph. +39 070 400101 (24hrs a day)
    e-mail: radiotaxi@email.it
  • Cooperativa Radio Taxi “Rossoblù”
    Via Duomo, 19 Cagliari
    Ph. +39 070 6655 (from 5.30AM till 2.30AM)
    e-mail: info@radiotaxirossoblu.com

Taxi service in the zone where the tournament is held (i.e. Quartu Sant’ Elena) is provided by:

  • Consorzio Imprese Artigiane “Taxiamico”
    Via della Musica, 138 Quartu S.E.
    Ph. 070 – 826060 (24hrs a day)
    e-mail: info@taxiamico.com

Public Transportation

Take a train from the airport train station (Cagliari Aeroporto) to the city centre (Cagliari) and public buses from there.

The rail service starts at about 5 AM and ends after 9 PM with 20 mins. average frequency. The journey to and from downtown takes 5-7 minutes and a single fare is 1.25 EUR. Tickets are sold by Trenitalia at the vending machine located inside the station and online. You can also take a look at the timetable at the Trenitalia website or download the timetables at this links: Timetable – Departures from Elmas Aeroporto , Timetable – Arrivals at Elmas Aeroporto.

Once you get to the main train station you can go the the information point in Piazza Matteotti (the square in front of the main station entrance). There you can also buy tickets. If it’s closed, you can buy tickets at the vending machine but also in bars and other shops nearby. For your way back you can buy tickets at the hotel. The hotel is reachable taking different buses depending on the time of the day, but the quickest way is to get the line 31R and then QSB. The nearest stop to the hotel is Viale Colombo (Polizia Municipale or fronte Polizia Municipale).

You can also go to the local transports website to check travel information or (warmly suggested) download the official app for local transportation: Bus Finder.